GHSF > Alumni > Class of 1949
Sent: Friday, May 08, 2009 8:44 PM
To: Info
Subject: GHSF: a note about

Dear Garfield High School Foundation:

The Garfield High School Class of 1949 60th Reunion will be held Sunday, September 13th, 2009, 
at the Talaris Conference Center in Seattle's Laurelhurst neighborhood. 
There will be a buffet luncheon in a lovely dining room overlooking a small lake with a fountain, 
surrounded by expansive lawns and beautiful big trees. 
The cost is $45 a person. 
The address is 4000 NE 41st St, Seattle, WA 98105. 
For  reservations or information, please call Laverne Kershner Smith 
at 425-739-9630 or email 
Over 80 have signed up already, so c'mon and add to that figure and meet your old friends!

--Laverne Kershner Smith '49


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