GHSF > Alumni > Class of 1950
60th Reunion: Sunday, September 26, 2010
Garfield High School Class of 1950 -- 60th Class Reunion
(see 58th Reunion and 55th Reunion)

Date: Sunday, September 26, 2010
Time: Noon - Social Hour; 1:00 p.m. - Lunch Served
Place: Maplewood Golf Club
4050 Maple Valley Highway  (directions)
Renton, WA 98058


$35.00 per person -- No Host Bar

Please tell your friends and classmates of 1950 to join the celebration!

If transporation is needed or if you can provide it, or if you need other information,
please contact Aaron Vederoff at 206.525.6912 or

If you cannot attend, please consider making a donation to the Scholarship Fund.

Please complete the form below and return it by June 15, 2010.

Garfield High School Class of 1950 -- 60th Reunion

NAME _______________________________________________________
                    Last                     First                     Maiden

Spouse or Guest: _____________________________________________

Address ____________________________________________________

City ________________________ State________ ZIP________________

Phone _________________ Email________________________________

Please mark your choice(s) of entree ($35.00 each)

Number of Chicken / Fish Combination _________ Number of Vegetarian _________

Number of Reservations _____ at $35.00 each = $___________________

Scholarship Donation (Optional) = $___________________

Total amount enclosed = $___________________

Please make your check payable to: Garfield 1950 Committee
Send to:    Irene Fujii Mano   (206.772.1014,
4021 49th Avenue South
Seattle, WA 98118-1227

Last updated Saturday, May 29th, 2010.
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P.O. Box 22344 • Seattle, WA 98122-0344 • Privacy Policy

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