GHSF > Alumni > Class of 1966 -- 45th Reunion -- 8/27/2011 > Class of 1966 -- 40th Reunion!
It's time for everyone from the class of '66 to get together and party like it's 1966 -- again!

Help us find missing classmates!

When: Friday September 8, 2006, 6:00 p.m.
Saturday September 9, 2006, 6:00 p.m.
What: A weekend of fun and reminiscing including a casual Friday evening event offering the opportunity to meet and greet old friends and classmates at a an informal no-host party and a gala Saturday night event featuring live music by the Emerald City Jazz Ensemble, a gourmet dinner prepared by Chef Creole Pierre, raffles and prizes, and more music and dancing late into the evening.
Where: Friday, September 8 at 6:00 p.m. at
CLUB HOLLYWOOD in Shoreline at 16716 Aurora Ave N.
Featuring a steak and sushi menu, huge collection of Hollywood memorabilia, live music and gaming.
More info at
No cover charge if you arrive before 8:00 p.m.

Saturday, September 9, 2006 at 6:00 p.m. at
The ROYAL ESQUIRE CLUB in Columbia City at 5016 Rainier Ave. South,
corner of Rainier and Hudson.
More info and driving directions at
Admission is $45.00 per person. Members and their guests invited.
Must Register by Monday August 7th!
No Registration at the Door, sorry!
You will not receive tickets to the Saturday reunion gala, but your reservation will be confirmed to the e-mail or phone number you provide on your reservation form (below).
Who: Reunion Organizers: Cliff Holland, Kim Krummeck
Saturday September 9, 2006, Royal Esquire Club Registration
(Please print this page, fill it out, and snail mail it to us!)

Name: ___________________________________________________________________________

Name at GHS (if different): _____________________________________________________

Spouse or Guest name: ___________________________________________________________

Address: ________________________________________________________________________


Phone: _____________________________   E-Mail: __________________________________

No. of Tickets: _______    Amount enclosed @ $45.00 per ticket:  ________________

I'd like to help with the reunion!  Please contact me - YES  ____________________ 

Please enclose your check payable to G.H.S. Class of 1966 and mail to:

	G.H.S. Class of 1966
	P.O. Box 60044
	Shoreline, WA 98177

See you in September!

Last updated Wednesday, August 2nd, 2006.
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