GHSF > Alumni > 1978 > Class of 1978, 30th Reunion
Friday, September 26, 2008, 7:00 p.m. - Midnight

Doubletree Hotel Seattle Airport
18740 International Boulevard
Seattle, WA 98188

7:00 p.m. -- Social Hour
8:00 p.m. -- Class Photo
8:30 p.m. -- Reception Buffet

No-Host Cash Bar
Attire: Evening Casual

Our 30th Reunion is History!

$106/person at the door

74 tickets purchased as of 9/26/2008.
See classmates (from AK, AZ, CA, CO, TX, and WA) who have already purchased their tickets.

1978 Arrow: See our Senior Portraits!
Please join our facebook group.

Statistics Section: Last updated Friday 9/26/2008
Students: 293
Found: 216 (73.7%)
Lost: 68 (23.2%)
Deceased: 9 (3.1%)
Classmates Attending: 52 (17.8%)
Tickets Sold: 74
Ticket Goal: 83 (89.2%)

* Denotes a Committee Member

Classmate NameStatus
Aoki, Carol Kramer Attending
Bishop, Robert Attending
Blount, Gregory Attending
Brewer, Tommy Attending
Cunningham, Gregory Attending
*Daniels, I (David) Attending
Dickinson, Bradley Attending
Donley, Marilyn Muhammad Attending
Francois, Zelda Ambers Attending
Frazier, Donna Wilcox Attending
Glover, Kimberly Breland Attending
Gordon, Valarie Harris Attending
Healy, James Attending
Hickman, Vincent Attending
Jackson, Debbie Jones Attending
Jackson, Mary Attending
Jolly, Geoffrey Attending
Jones, Clyde Attending
Jones, Cyndra Attending
Kavanaugh, Susan Attending
Kedziorski, Walter Attending
Kelley, Charles Attending
*Lanier, Karen Shelton Attending
Laughlin, Victoria Taylor Attending
Lombard, Lawrence (Joe) Attending
Mayeno, Susan Sipes Attending
Maze, Suzanne Nicholson Attending
Mollette, Venus Attending
Monroe, Kimberly Attending
Narver, Gregory Attending
Okamoto, Sheila Omoto Attending
O'Steen, Shyril Attending
*Palmer, Cynthia Coleman Attending
Pelham, Heather Gilmore Attending
*Pietromonaco, Mary Jo Attending
Roebuck, Robbie Allen Attending
Rossen, Christine Attending
Slivka, Alexander Attending
*Slivka, Benjamin (Ben) Attending
*Smith, Carmel Attending
Smith, Robert Attending
Solseng, Joe Attending
Talevich, Michael Attending
*Thomas, Audrey Attending
Thomas, Theresa Attending
Tyler, Frederick Attending
*Warner, Glen Attending
Watson, Brant Attending
Weaver, Karol Smith Attending
*West, Chester Attending
*Williams, Marlene Attending
Williams, Stuart Attending

* Denotes a Committee Member

Last updated Thursday, February 7th, 2013.
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