GHSF > Minutes > 06/06/2002 Organizing Committee Meeting Minutes
Next Meeting
Tuesday, July 9, 2002
6:00-7:00 p.m.
Garfield High School
Activity Center (1st Floor)
Tom Bailey
Peter Byers
Susan Dersé
Lorna Follis
Pam Green
Gene Harris
Bob Heller
Lyn Keenan
Kim Lawler
Lenora Lee
Ben Slivka
Angela Smith
Elisabeth Squires
Katherine Triandafilou
Janet Woodward

For our next meeting, Lorna will make name cards for each Organizing Committee member.
Thank you, Lorna!

Vision, Mission, Goals
We reviewed several sample mission statements. There was general consensus that we want our mission statement to be brief (1 or 2 sentences). In addition to the examples from the handout, Peter suggested the following:

"The Garfield High School Foundation provides financial and other resources/support to enrich and enhance the quality of education at the school for all students."

Peter also provided further summary thoughts from previous meetings, though the group did not discuss these. They are provided here “for the record” and for future group discussion:

The Foundation will have an endowed fund in excess of $1 million and will distribute, under the guidance of the Board of Trustees, the continuing revenue from this capital, and a proportion of new funds raised each year, for use in the school to provide educational opportunities that are not available through usual resources.

The Board of Trustees is a diverse group that represents the best interests of the students at the school and includes alumni, parents of current and previous students, students, faculty, administration, and members of the Garfield civic community. It is the responsibility of the Board, each year, to identify the means to enhance and enrich the education of students at Garfield High School and to provide the financial resources from the Foundation to pursue those goals.

Action Item: We will continue to seek examples of mission statements between now and the next meeting, and will think about further suggestions to inform the development of the foundation’s mission statement.

Naming of Group
Should the group’s name include the word “Alumni?”
  • The group’s primary purpose is to create a foundation and endowment to support Garfield.
  • Creating a database of alumni and “friends of Garfield” is an important strategy for future fundraising.
  • Perhaps the database will inspire or lead to the formation of an alumni association.
  • Sharing information about Garfield and about former graduates is a way to lead into fundraising.
  • We are still working on creating group agreement on the role of the Foundation vis-à-vis the formation of an Alumni Association.
  • For now, our working group name will be “Garfield Foundation.”
Action Item: Ben will search the URLs to see what the options are for naming our website something similar to “Garfield Foundation” or “GHS Foundation.” We’ll continue this discussion at our next meeting.

Organizing Committee Infrastructure
Individuals volunteered for the following roles and duties for the Summer of 2002:
role who duties
Co-Chairs Pam Green, Ben Slivka Set meeting agendas, keep the group focused and solutions-oriented, and commit to between-meeting follow-through.
Secretary Kim Lawler Take minutes, send meeting reminders.
Treasurer n/a We do not have a need for a Treasurer this summer, and so will defer this position until fall.
Trustee Search Committee Elisabeth Squires, Katherine Triandafilou Identify and cultivate candidates for the Foundation board of trustees.
Bylaws Committee Kim Lawler Create a draft/strawman outline for the bylaws for the Foundation.
IT Ben Slivka Continue to collect and post information on the working web-site, and maintain a private database of alumni and friends of Garfield.

  • What are rules and regulations regarding the Foundation? Is there a cap? Ben has established a foundation and is not aware of any caps. He will review any written documents that Organizing committee members share with him. [Note: we will also seek an attorney Friend of Garfield to join the Organizing committee.]
  • We seem to have consensus about not excluding any student at Garfield (i.e., not excluding athletics) from benefiting from Foundation revenues.

Garfield Lore
We held the meeting in the Library, which used to be the auditorium balcony, years ago. Ben (Class of ’78) and friends used to have Spades tournaments in the lunchroom. We will spend 5 minutes of each of our meetings sharing information about Garfield’s history.
Action Item: Susan will present a historical tidbit at the next meeting.

Next Meeting
Date: Tuesday, July 9, 2002
Time: 6:00-7:00 PM
Agenda: Set up a schedule of future meetings during the year. Bring your calendars!

Susan Dersé, 6/06/02

Last updated Sunday, June 9th, 2002.
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