GHSF > Minutes > 08/13/2002 Organizing Committee Meeting Minutes
Tom Bailey
Susan Dersé
Lorna Follis
Lynn Greiner
Harry Hoffman
Kim Lawler
April Lombard (Susan Dersé's assistant)
Marritte Shelby
Ben Slivka
Angela Smith
Janet Woodward
Next Meeting

Date: Wednesday, September 18, 2002
Time: 6:00-7:00 PM
Location: Garfield High School, Activity Center (1st Floor)
Agenda: Review vision statement and mission statement drafts; Construct timeline for school year (bring your calendars!); sub-committee status updates;

Alumni Committee
Janet reported that she has started an Excel spreadsheet to collect Alumni information. She has contacted John Lundin (lawyer for the now-dormant Garfield Alumni Association), who pointed her at Megan Earnest (sp?), who is supposed to have a list of class contacts. Janet also has a printed list for the Class of 1967. Ellen is planning to contact the Golden Grads to find out what on-line or off-line alumni information they have.

Ben reported that he received the Garfield student data from Seattle Public Schools on 7/23/2002. There are 21,144 students, with their names and snail mail addresses as of the day they left Garfield. These are all students who ever attended Garfield since 1970 -- only 8,910 graduated.

Mission and Vision Statements
We spent the bulk of our time working on Mission and Vision Statements. We started by briefly reviewing a definition of the these two kinds of statements, and then broke up into three groups and spent 30 minutes brainstorming and discussing ideas. Each group reported briefly on what they had written down, and then we voted on individual ideas. For the Mission Statement, each person had four blue dots with which to vote (by placing a dot next to an idea). For the Vision Statement, each person had three red dots with which to vote.

Mission Statement Votes
id count area idea
(A) 10 Value Support for a Unique, Urban School
(B) 8 Activity Connect Garfield with Alumni Forever ( "Emerse yourself...")
(C1) 4 Value Benchmark for exceptional educational experience for all Garfield Students
(C2) 4 Activity Build and Maintain database of Alumni and Friends of Garfield
(C3) 4 Value Celebrate history and contributions of Garfield (graduates)
(D1) 3 Purpose Raise money for Garfield (for ???)
(D2) 3 Purpose Influence the Community ( Ability to influence...)
(D3) 3 Value Support for Public Education
(E) 2 Activity Solicit Alumni, Friends, and other giving organizations for funds and in-kind contributions
(F1) 1 Activity Organize events to celebrate Garfield
(F2) 1 Activity Review and fund grant proposals for Garfield
(F3) 1 Value Respect for Garfield's Tradition/History

Vision Statement Votes
id count idea
(V) 5 Raise $3 million endowment by 2005
(W1) 4 An ongoing entity that continuously generates funds
(W2) 4 Continuing to provide a relationship between friends of Garfield/alumni and the community
(W3) 4 Empowering/encouraging students to act on limitless potential
(X1) 2 Best public high school foundation information technology solution
(X2) 2 Database has active entries for 80% of living alumni
(Y1) 1 Ample resources to enhance the Garfield experience
(Y2) 1 Contribute 10% of GHS annual budget [above and beyond SPS funding]
(Y3) 1 "Best" public high school foundation in USA, or WA state, or Seattle

--Ben Slivka, 8/15/02

Last updated Thursday, August 15th, 2002.
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