GHSF > Alumni > 1964-1966 Reunion -- August 27-28,2004
7/17/2004: $2,000 raised so far for scholarship fund!
See list of donors.

Reunion Committee:
Joan Beals '65, 360.652.8507
Henry Brashen '64, 425.643.1878
Marilyn Cooks '66, 206.772.9559
Randolph Cross '64, 206.722.8984, (Marriot coordination)
Merle Ellison '64, 253.588.2784
Maureen Hampton-Kirschbaum '65, 206.362.8124
Doris Hill '65, 206.236.2738,
Leslie McKay '64, 206.324.4694
Roger Mizumori '64, 425.641.0868
Fred Rogers, Jr. '64, 206.427.9711, (GHS tour and donations)
Diane Taniguchi '66, 206.329.5977

[Note: If you are unable to print the Schedule and RSVP Form below, try the Microsoft Word document.]

Reunion schedule
Reunion RSVP form
Reunion Donors -- Thank you!
(Current as of Saturday, July 17, 2004)

Bruce Armstrong
Jakie Baird
Rosie Marie Barbee
Pamela C. Beatty
Almateen W. Benton
Joe E. Benton
Todd M. Bitts
Henry M. Brashen
Robert Brewer
Wife Brewer
Julie Brooks
Gloria Buchanan
James Buchanan
C. (Ervin) Carr
Shirley Clark
Deverne A. Coleman
Joe Crookes
Randoph Cross
Fritz R. Cutchlow
Merle A. Ellison
Barry A. Feder
Jeanne M. Foley
Joseph Frisino
Sidney Goodwill
Susan (Noel) Goodwill
Blasé Gorny
Olivet Hardiman
WiIlie Houston
Gwendolyn Howard
Carolyn Hubbard
Barbara Ingram
John Ingram
Catherine (Mulkins) Jackson
Janet Curry Jackson
Matte B. Jefferson
Travis Jefferson
Errol Johnson
Ginger (Dawkins) Johnson
Leora Johnson
Melvin D. Johnson
Nancy (Toon) Johnson
Gerald A. Jones
Audrey F. Jordan
Marilyn (Woo) Kihara
Ray Kihara
Alice Kunkel
Steve Kunkel
Anita Legsdin
Judy (Swerdfeger) Lowell
Steve L. Lundin
Linda S. Bondurant Lundin
Jean (Snowden} Mills
Joel Milstein
Rita L. Mines
Paul M. Miyahara
Wanda S. Miyahara
Roger K. Mizumori
Diane (Cummings) Mollette
Daniel D. Moss
Mary C. Moss
Francis A. (Jue) Myer
Harold L. Myer
Eunice Nakao-Tribelhorn
Roy Nakao-Tribelhorn
Garnet Nakashima
Janice (Ackerly) Porter
Roger C. Porter
William E. Rabel
Wendy P. Rabel
Laura Reese
Linda Roberson
Otis Roberson
Fred Rogers, Jr.
Karen A. Rohrer
Scott S. Rohrer
Leedell Rueben
Sylvia (Staton) Rueben
Carol G. Russak
Lou (Crenshaw) Shingelton
Diane Taniguchi
Alfred Thompson
M. Beverly Toyama
Debra A. Walker
Ralph Walker
Alice F. Watson
Jacqueline (Morrow) Wea
Carol White
Christine (Massey) WhiteHead
William WhiteHead
C. Mark Williams

Last updated Saturday, July 17th, 2004.
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