GHSF > Alumni > 1961-1964 Reunion -- September 27,2008
Moments to Cherish

WHEN: Saturday Sept 27, 2008

COST: $60.00 per person

WHERE: Doubletree Hotel Seattle Airport
18740 Pacific Highway South
Seattle, WA 98188

Time: 7:30PM-1:00AM

Hors d' oeuvre Buffet
No Host Bar
Dancing, Raffle & Prize Drawings

PARK: $8.00 event self park $10.00 event overnight self-park

$119.00 SINGLE/DOUBLE $139.00 TRIPLE & $159.00 QUAD
(All rates are per night plus tax & available Friday 9/26/08 & Sat 9/27/08)
Please mention "Garfield High School 45th Class Reunion" when making reservations

July Mailing.
Please update contact information to & please include your graduation year. Looking forward to seeing everyone!!!!!

Please contact our Reunion Chair:
Sandra James Campbell '63
day: 206.478.2020
eve: 206.723.2892

Last updated Friday, June 20th, 2008.
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